Monday, December 10, 2007

Catch 22

Pride is a real stinker when it comes to change within religious circles. When I was in Bible College there were days when some of the young students were totally flabbergasted with what they were learning. Some even broke down crying because they were being taught something that would contradict their pastor back home. They had been taught the ways of the Lord from a young age and that included following their pastor’s teaching. The more they studied the more they found out that he was wrong. Some made the adjustment; some went home more confused than ever.

Here’s an example of a dilemma that is constantly nipping at people’s heals when it comes to hearing God’s voice. What if He says something that contradicts past decision making? A group of people felt God showed them to purchase land and build a building. Everything is going smoothly until someone reads my blog. Are these the writings of a mad man? Easy to dismiss. But something nags him a bit.

Could it be that he has been like the Pharisees and missed Jesus. Is the true nature of the church, the people or is it the building? Does our very existence actually promote disunity? Do we really spend most of the Lord’s money on ourselves rather than on caring for others? Only 2 cents of every dollar goes to real needs? Did I make a mistake in how I heard God’s voice?

If David is right then I will have to quit being part of the building program. I know the group will be upset with me and never change their plans. Ultimately my friends will abandon me and I won’t belong anywhere.

Nope, just the ravings of a mad man.

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