(Instructions at a church soul winning class.)
Reaching out to the lost is one of the noblest calls that any Christian can have the privilege of taking part in. It is very exciting to welcome a new member to be part of the family of God. Imagine a gift so costly that our Saviour Jesus Christ willingly gave his life on the cross for us to receive freely.
Here’s a simple means that we have used in making this wondrous gift available.
Free hot dogs, free bottled water, free salvation. Sign this card.
We often get new converts that say this: “Wow! That feels so good. What’s next?”
This next part is very important but, and I can’t overemphasize this too much, this next truth should not be included in the plan of salvation but should be lovingly explained to them very soon afterwards. Remember the importance of follow up. We’re not just called to win souls but to make disciples.
Since their salvation is free, they need to realize that to be responsible for their new freedom in Christ that they should be good stewards of God’s money. Some suggest that 10% is a very appropriate place for new believers to start.
We make it very convenient for them. We are a very progressive church. We take cash, debit, credit and cheque ($25 service fee applies on N.S.F.’s.)
As an extra bonus, you can help them feel part of our family. They can get connected by visiting the sick, teaching Sunday school, going on missions trips, visiting lonely people, discipling young people, making coffee, cleaning toilets, cutting the grass, bookkeeping, singing… almost anything that they are skilled at.
By the way, the reward for doing these things is knowing that God loves our cheerful service and sometimes we get to buy the pastor coffee.
To show them how valuable their time is, I have included the real monetary value that we would love to give them for their time. Obviously, it’s impossible for us to really do this as we are a charitable organization. But we can show them how much their services are worth by looking at the pastor’s pay scale.
Here’s a small sample that we use at the church to understand the value of things done for the Lord.
V = volunteer P = pastor
Visit the sick. P = $ 20 - $ 60 per hour V = $0
Teaching P = 8x ($ 20 - $ 60) per hour (7 hours of prep time) V = $0
Disciple someone P = $ 20 – 60 per hour V = $0
Listening to a guest preacher P $ 20 - $ 60 per hour V = $0
Shake hands P = $ 20 - $ 60 per hour V = $0
Singing P = $ 20 - $ 60 per hour V = $0
Missions trip
P = full salary plus all expenses paid (no vacation time required)
V = pays for every part of the trip plus use their family vacation time.
Hopefully we will have lots of volunteers so that the pastor won’t get bogged down and can truly devote more of his valuable time to prayer and bible study. We’ll be even more blessed if we can free him to do just those things. There are many opportunities for volunteers to store up treasure in heaven. And to think, they get to do all of this storing up for their entire earthly existence.
Thankfully the volunteers won’t be overwhelmed by all the details in a church service as people will expect the pastor to do the really important things like praying for the sick, presiding over communion and baptizing new converts. We are so blessed to have a man who really knows how to hear from God.
If anyone wonders why the pay scale is laid out that way, share with them the joy of having such a wonderful man of God who is there to model true servant hood. This is also a great time to explain to them the Biblical teaching of double honor.
Here’s a helpful application of this glorious truth.
When giving the pastor his Christmas gift this year, make sure to tell him how much you truly honor him.
Don’t limit yourself to reaching new converts. There are many Christians out there who are struggling in churches that haven’t made discipleship vital and would love to find a wonderful church family like ours. Obviously, they won’t need the plan of salvation explained to them and you can get right to the heart of discipleship.